There are 3 ways to communicate with a BCOE Academic Advisor
Email | Drop-in | Appointment
Do you need an email, drop-in or appointment?
Use this table to determine whether you need to schedule an appointment with your academic advisor,
attend advisor's drop-in hours or just send an email.You may also find helpful links in the online column.
Drop-in advising is best for quick, 10-minute sessions.
Advisor appointments are recommended for more complex issues.Reasons
Academic probation process X
Add and/or drop a course X
Admissions as a freshman or transfer (prospective student) Admissions Application for Graduation X
Articulation of course Breadth requirements X
Change catalog year X
Change major (in or within BCOE) Change of Major Criteria Change major (from BCOE to CHASS) Change of Major CHASS Change major (from BCOE to CNAS) Change of Major - CNAS Course planning (beyond next term) X
Course registration (current term) X
Course registration (next term) X
Declare a double major X
Declare or drop a minor X
Degree audit and degree progress X
Discuss academic challenges (not Academic Probation Process) X
Discuss summer school X
Discuss TE, focal area, etc. X
Evaluate transfer credit Extend matriculation X
Grading Basis X
Participation in Commencement X
Part-time Status X
Petition for exception to academic policy Online Petition Readmission Readmission Registration hold X
Repeat policy X
UCR Extension Enrollment Readmission Withdraw from the University X
How can we serve you?
Appointment Scheduling is temporary disabled
while we are migrating to with anything urgent