Need enrollment assistance? Have you taken the pre-requisite for a class only to find that you are still unable to enroll yourself? Then we have a solution for you!
The BCOE Enrollment Assistance Form can solve many enrollment issues for ENGINEERING and COMPUTER SCIENCE courses from the comfort of your phone or laptop. Prerequisite clearing, verification of enrollment eligibility, permission codes, and transfer courses not officially received are examples of challenges that can be remedied without e-mailing and/or seeing an advisor in person.
If you are having an enrollment issue, use this link to access the Enrollment Assistance Form:
CLICK HERE TO GO TO THE BCOE Enrollment Assistance Form!
How and when to use the BCOE Enrollment Assistance Form
First, check the following:
Are you attempting to take the course for the third time?
If yes, do not use this form. You will need to file a petition at this link:
Are you attempting to take a course for which you do not meet the pre-requisite?
If yes, you will first need to file a petition at this link: If the petition is approved, you will need to submit the BCOE Enrollment Assistance Form above and attach the approval.
Are the call numbers incorrect?
If yes, then enter the correct call numbers.
Are you attempting to enroll without all the call numbers for both the lecture and discussion and/or lab?
If yes, enter the call numbers for the lecture, discussion and/or lab within the same group.
Are you exceeding the maximum number of units?
If yes, check the Academic Calendar for the maximum unit increase deadline. If the deadline has passed, contact your Academic Advisor. There is no guarantee that your unit maximum will be increased.
Is there a time conflict?
If yes, where possible choose sections without a time conflict and try again. Otherwise, complete the form.
Is the section full?
If yes, choose an open section that is not a conflict or put yourself on the waitlist (if there is a waitlist). Do NOT submit a form.
Is there not a waitlist or is the waitlist full?
If yes, be patient and keep looking for open seats. If there are still no open seats after the fee deadline passes, see your assigned academic advisor in person during drop-ins or by appointment. Do NOT submit a form.
Is it a course not offered by the Bourns College of Engineering?
If yes, complete and enrollment assistance form for a CNAS course with the CNAS Enrollment Management Center at this link, Or, contact an advisor in the appropriate CHASS department at this link,
If none of the above apply or if you are still having difficulty enrolling for a course with the following course abbreviations: BIEN, CEE, CHE, CS, EE, ENGR, ENVE, ME, MSE complete the information at the link below and you will receive an email when your request is complete. Forms sent requesting enrollment assistance for a course abbreviation not posted here will be deleted and a response will not be sent.
If space permits, you will be given permission to enroll or waitlist. If you are waitlisted and a seat becomes available, you will be sent an automatic notification to your UCR Webmail account and will have 24 hours to register for the course. Please note that completing the BCOE Enrollment Assistance Form and/or being on the waitlist does NOT guarantee actual enrollment in the course.
BCOE Enrollment Assistance Form Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
I took a higher level course to meet the pre-requisite. How do I enroll?
If you have met the pre-requisite using a course that the enrollment system doesn’t recognize, then you must obtain permission by completing the BCOE Enrollment Assistance Form. An example could be that the course requires completion of MATH 5 and you have earned credit for MATH 9A. Please submit the form. You will receive an email when your request is complete.
I want to repeat a course that I already in which I have already earned credit. How do I enroll?
Typically, you can only repeat courses in which you have earned a grade of D- or lower. However, if you are repeating a course in which you earned a grade of at least C-, but not a high enough of a grade to meet the pre-requisite for another course, then you must obtain permission by completing the BCOE Enrollment Assistance Form. For example, if you earned a C- in CS 10, you will need to repeat CS 10 and earn a grade of at least C in order to take CS 12. Please submit the form. You will receive an email when your request is complete.
I took the pre-requisite course somewhere other than UCR. How do I enroll?
If you took a course at another institution, it is possible that not all components that you took are recognized by the registration system and you must obtain permission by completing the BCOE Enrollment Assistance Form. For example, a transfer student that completed the CHEM 1ABC series at their transfer institution will always need assistance enrolling a course that requires completion of the lab portion of that series. A form will need to be submitted every time. Please plan in advance of your registration date. You will not be able to enroll in the course on your own. Complete form linked above and you will receive an email when your request is complete.